Kitty String First Class! Is a Premium, Contest Ready string from Kitty String
Made in Japan and available in Normal, FAT and XL (please check other listings for type variations)
FAT is a Thicker version of Normal, and also slightly heavier. This has 12 strands of thread, making for better whip and slack formations during play - holding them longer which is incredibly beneficial for the more technical tricks. Amongst Professional Players - this is by far the most popular type of Kitty String. It's also very popular for any of the wider gap yo-yos, as it gives a more responsive feel and tighter binds (which means your next throw is going to have some intense spin on it).
The first string to feature different tension at the base (that loops around the bearing) compared to the rest of the string, where it's wound with a softer tension allowing for smoother play.
Each 100 pack comes complete with a string organiser strap - to make it easier to hold and remove your string.